
{"error":"access_denied","error_description":"an access token is required"}

Server site

Crate your application

Application represents the external app or website that you want to build. It is the application that will actually ask for access to user account on this server.

Application name: "My lazy CRON job" Application description: "" Redirect URL: ""

Scopes/premissions: [x] unlock the Barn [] put the toilet seat down [] feed your chicken [] collect eggs from your chickens [] get the number of eggs collected today [] access your profile data


When we finish, we have: - Client ID: - Client Secret: (autogenerated client secret) 4ab070ae...1b6 - Redirect URI: - Scope: eggs-collect,

"client_id + client_secret" are sort of user/password for application. Authentication - what is needed to get 'token'.

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