perlbrew installation and usage


Copy & paste this line into your terminal.

\curl -L | bash

Then, execute following line:

echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.profile

Then, open new shell and you can start working with perlbrew in there.

All files will be installed in ~/perl5/perlbrew/, and it will use that directory and subdirectories.

Basic usage

Get a list of available perls you can use:

perlbrew available

Install some version of perl:

perlbrew install perl-5.36.1

It will compile that perl version and install it within ~/perl5/perlbrew/ subdirectory.

It will take some time (around 21 minutes at my laptop), and it will take 324M of disk space.

Now you can list all installed perl versions:

perlbrew list

To switch to specific version you can use command switch:

perlbrew switch perl-5.36.1

To execute the script with another version of perl, but not switching to it completely:

perlbrew exec --with perl-5.40.0 perl

To run the script with specific version of perl from cron, use the following:

* * * * * PERLBREW_ROOT=$HOME/perl5/ ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew exec --with perl-5.36.1 ~/

For more on cron tips, see:

To return back to system perl version, you can switch it off:

perlbrew switch-off

For additional help:

perlbrew -h
perlbrew help

See more:

See also:

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