
How to use GPG key with Indieweb login

In reply to: https://indieauth.com/pgp

Here are the steps I did to make it working. Someone might find this useful.

1. Create pulic key: public.gpg

gpg --export --armor --output public.gpg nedzad@nedzadhrnjica.com

Upload file 'public.gpg' to root of your site.

Edit index.html and add following line in "...'

<link rel="pgpkey" href="/public.pgp">

2. Open site: https://indielogin.com

3. Login with your domain name: https://nedzadhrnjica.com

3. Choose login using GPG

4. Copy text from popup

5. create signature

cat | gpg --sign --armor --local-user nedzad@nedzadhrnjica.com

copy signature, including "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- ... -----END PGP MESSAGE-----"

NOTE: If you got an error 'gpg: signing failed: Invalid IPC response', add '--pinentry-mode loopback' to cli, like this:

So, the new command in case of that error would be:

cat | gpg --sign --armor --local-user nedzad@nedzadhrnjica.com --pinentry-mode loopback

copy signature, including "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- ... -----END PGP MESSAGE-----"

6. paste in popup, replacing existing text

7. click 'Verify' button

That's it.

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